Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dear You :)

You always make me wondering . When I said always , I mean that. So , congratulations ! Ya I know . Maybe you don't even want to know how am I right now . By the way , I know you are starting your new life. I mean , a happy life with your new person in your life. That's really nice. I am happy for you. Urm  the truth is , there is something that you cannot understand about me.  Even if you try. But if you really want , I think it is possible . Heyy it's okay lah . I have reason for what I did to you. Yea , I really do. But it's not the perfect time to tell you the truth is. So , Bye :) Hope you guys happy. I am sorry that everything I do hurts you. Please , don't get me wrong ? :) I know you'll meet someone better. 

I misspelled ME as YOU