Friday, November 4, 2011

2 more papers left !

Assalamualaikum :)

How's everything getting on ? Har Har . I'm quite busy since I had my Final Exam this week . But , my exam ended next week , on Wednesday .  Urm , 2 more papers to go and I can't wait for that . I'm so excited . And ! Please pray that I'll pass all the subjects with flying colours  :] 

Holiday is just around the corner. School will be ended soon . About 2 weeks left . I love it very much ! I don't have to face the same people again . Day by day. Huh , sometimes I really get bored with all this . But seriously, I'm pretty sure that I'll miss my cute + sweet + kind + funny friends. And they are very wonderful. They are kind of weird , sometimes . But that's one of the reason I'm happy to have them in my life.  A big thanks from me <3

For this becoming holiday, I've list down all I want to do. I'll make sure that this holiday will be a good one , hope so. InsyaAllah everything will be just what I'm expected. I've to stop now ^___^